Tuesday, August 08, 2006

i voted

In the ballot box today I was confronted with a daunting choice. For one of the Jackson County Legislator seats it said "Convicted Felon Career Patronage Goon Henry Rizzo vs. Blank." Actually, it just said Frank Rizzo, and below him was a blank that said "Write In."

So I wrote in "Anyone Else."

When Allie was confronted with the same choice, she wrote "Goofus." And for another similarly uncontested seat she wrote in, "Gallant."

I'm so proud of her.


Anonymous said...

The wolves were out in force this afternoon at my local poling place. One of Rizzo's "Team" accosted me and asked me to consider voting for the kid. I responded that unless his boy was named "none of the above" it wasn't likely. Once safely inside I took a Libertarian ballet and voted "no" on all of the amendments and charters except for the one dealing with mandatory retirement age for judges. I like the idea of making the slobs work another five years for their pension.

Applecart T. said...

there must have been some kind of large absentee-voter mobilization effort for jj, too, as we all noticed while waiting for the kansas city election board to figure out how to count the tuesday ballots. that 25-75% lead must have been a thrilling couple of hours for him.

i contend that patrick dobson should have run against henry rizzo in the second district at-large; then at least we'd have had a choice. not that goofus is a bad option. . .

i didn't do any write-ins, as i figured it would somehow confuse the kceb beyond belief.

Mark said...

How could you vote for Goofus? From what I remember he never says "Excuse me" or covers his mouth when he sneezes. Either he's a bad dude or Gallant ran a very negative campaign.

Joe Miller said...

Exactly. Goofus is a far better choice than Rizzo.

Mark said...

I don't know. The more I think about it that Gallant guy seems too good to be true. Too much of a boyscout. I've never seen any policy stances from him other than being polite and telling the truth. I don't think that will play well in Jeff City.

Joe Miller said...

Too bad we can't vote for you come spring.

Chelsea said...

lmao at "Anyone else"

Applecart T. said...

btw, 241 people wrote in candidates to compete with henry rizzo.

20,779 people just filled in his oval.