Bard College SW 5-3
Baylor LT 5-3
CSU Fullerton MM 7-1
Dartmouth CO 6-2
Emory MP 8-0
Emory HH 6-2
Emory SS 5-3
George Washington SW 6-2
Georgia CR 7-1
Harvard AM 6-2
Harvard DZ 6-2
Harvard LP 6-2
Harvard MR 6-2
Kansas BJ 5-3
Kentucky ST 7-1
Miami MV 6-2
Michigan State DR 7-1
Michigan State LR 5-3
Michigan FK 6-2
Michigan VZ 6-2
Missouri State KO 6-2
Missouri State MM 6-2
Missouri-Kansas City FG 6-2
North Texas CS 5-3
Northwestern BW 6-2
Northwestern CS 6-2
Oklahoma BS 5-3
Oklahoma CJ 6-2
Wake Forest GL 6-2
Wake Forest LP 7-1
Wayne State University MT 7-1
Wyoming CJ 5-3
Not bad for a couple of freshmen!
I talked to them both on the phone tonight. Dominique told me, "I got ridda them racist demons, and I got my act together!"
(Inside joke.)
Seriously, this is a really kick ass first impression on the college scene. Great start. A harbinger of big thiings to come.
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