Sunday, May 13, 2007


A sure sign of summer: Haley get's a lion cut...

(click for slide show.)


MAWG said...

you swear you didn't photoshop that head on the body?

Poor thing. I think she should move north to say Minneapolis so she could keep her coat.

Cosmo said...

You should be arrested. This is just pure evil.

Cosmo said...

This is just pure evil. You should be punished.

Anonymous said...

You have now been officially targeted by members of the Northeast Chapter of UFU (Urban Feline Uprising) this may result in something horrible and clawy.

Anonymous said...

Pearl saw Haley's new do and said, "Meow, that look is for me." Who am I to argue? We're off to the groomer.

Joe Miller said...

You HAVE to send pictures. How big do you think she'll be without all that hair?