Sunday, January 21, 2007

snow job


Mark said...


Apparently you have no budget for wiper blade refills! Good grief man, change those blades!

The snow removal thing is big, but unfortunately nobody seems to remember it when we start the budget discussions every June.

Keep it in the public eye.

Applecart T. said...

ok, so the wiper blade comment is hackneyed by now (a bit like the no-plows-in-sight thing we all say whenever we need to drive somewhere and have to go 25 miles per hour instead of 35 or 45), but it was still funny to watch. (as if i even have two blades on my car!)

i started to hear missouri-side (midtown, main streets, near hospitals) plows on saturday around 9 p.m., when most of the snow was done falling.

sunday, there was plowing everywhere except most sidestreets, which, really, are still navigable today if you don't have to rush around too much.

it really only snows in kc two or three times a winter.

of course, we still got stuck on our still-iced-over, unplowed and slushy street. no plowing or salt on the 11th or 12th, no plowing or salting after the latest fall, either.

any bored reporters want to do a study on how many snow-related accidents there were and how costly it was to the city's police and capital repairs budget?