Tuesday, June 09, 2009


As part of my ongoing reclamation of days gone by, I've picked up my old Sonic Youth habit.

Sonic Youth was easily my favorite band through college and for the first couple of years after. I saw them in concert five times, the last being in 1999 in Santa Fe.

They have a new album and they're on tour. I'm going to see them in July. Right here in Kansas City. No traveling.

It's kind of funny, I guess. They're all in their 50s now. They've been asked if they will change their name, now that they're so much older and they've said no. They think it's more radical the older they get.

Best of all, I was pleased to discover that there are tons of Sonic Youth bootlegs free for the taking on the Internets. Over the last week or so I've downloaded several dozen and am enjoying them immensely.

I'm well aware that they're an acquired taste. Allie can't stand them.

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