Sunday, October 01, 2006

the neighbors

There was a stabbing across the street last night.

Allie woke me up at about three. She said that there was a brawl unfolding outside our window. I had my earplugs in, so I couldn't hear the ruckus.

We both leaned against the screen and listened to the milling crowd. By and by I figured out that someone had been stabbed. I went to bed and Allie stayed up and took notes. She got some very good quotes:

A woman: What? You a gang-banger and shit? (Laughs.)
A man: I was a gangbanger, but it it's not like it was my life or nothin'. They called me "Trigger Man." I shot a guy through his dog once.

A woman: Baby girl got stabbed. Or fucked up.

Another woman: I punched him and my fist just felt nothin' but fat.

A man: He tried to punch me. That's why I threw him up on the car.

(After police have come and gone, a white car drives up. A man gets out with a flashlight.)
Man: I threw my clip out. I popped my clip out because I didn't want to get caught with no bullets.

Another man: If they shoot at my house, I will go kick in their door because that's the kind of guy I am.

A woman: I was drunk.

Another woman: Maria. Tie that shit up and put pressure on his neck.

A man: My cousin got stabbed.

A woman: Black Impala. Black wheels. Black on black.

Another woman: They came rolling down the street. Said something to Andy. I jumped one guy. She jumped another guy.

Yet another woman: Get your gun Chad.

A man: I'll kill you bitch.


Anonymous said...

Don't you know that stabbings across the street are soooo Kansas City, five years ago?

Applecart T. said...

didn't hear about that one.

from the quotes, i have no idea what the heck happened. people. bleh.

Anonymous said...

to have the presence of mind to grab a notebook. allie is a reporter made of steel!